Looking into each others eyes - Caledonia Golf and Fish Club

Spring engagement pictures Caledonia Golf & Fish Club

Caledonia Golf & Fish Club is one of my favorite locations for weddings, senior portraits, maternity portraits, and engagement pictures in the Myrtle Beach area. I even occasionally take family pictures there if they prefer not to be on the beach. All year they have the beautiful centuries-old moss-covered oaks …

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Beautiful location for the wedding ceremony under the oak trees - Caledonia Golf & Fish Club

Summer wedding under the oaks at Caledonia Golf and Fish Club

June was such a busy month this year with weddings and family pictures. Even when I don’t have time to post to my blog, you can always see my latest pictures on Facebook or Instagram. I wanted to share this recent wedding from Caledonia Golf and Fish Club because it’s …

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Worth every shot - Caledonia Golf & Fish Club

Maternity portraits for my previous wedding couple at Caledonia Golf and Fish Club

I always love taking portraits for Ornelie and Matt. I did photography for their African themed wedding in Raleigh a few years ago. Next, their one year anniversary portraits at the Conway Riverwalk. Now, early this year, I took their maternity portraits under the beautiful mossy oaks at Caledonia Golf …

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