Looking into each others eyes - Caledonia Golf and Fish Club

Spring engagement pictures Caledonia Golf & Fish Club

Caledonia Golf & Fish Club is one of my favorite locations for weddings, senior portraits, maternity portraits, and engagement pictures in the Myrtle Beach area. I even occasionally take family pictures there if they prefer not to be on the beach. All year they have the beautiful centuries-old moss-covered oaks …

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Throwing petals after the ceremony - Pawleys Island Beach House

Wedding at Pawleys Plantation with a ceremony on the beach in Pawleys Island

This time of the year, I love to look back at some beautiful weddings I didn’t have time to post on my blog. Elizabeth and Tyler were married last summer on May 29th. Their wedding was a little unusual for Pawleys Plantation. Instead of having the ceremony on the golf …

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Big smiles under the mossy oaks - Safe Harbor Reserve Harbor Yacht Club

Wedding under the moss covered oaks at the Reserve Harbor Marina Clubhouse

It’s been a couple of years since I’ve photographed a wedding at what used to be called the Reserve Harbor Yacht Club in Pawleys Island. It seems like they have changed their name. It’s now the Safe Harbor Reserve Harbor Marina Clubhouse. This location highlights the beauty of the Pawleys …

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Beautiful location for the wedding ceremony under the oak trees - Caledonia Golf & Fish Club

Summer wedding under the oaks at Caledonia Golf and Fish Club

June was such a busy month this year with weddings and family pictures. Even when I don’t have time to post to my blog, you can always see my latest pictures on Facebook or Instagram. I wanted to share this recent wedding from Caledonia Golf and Fish Club because it’s …

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Kiss with the sunset on the marsh - Pawleys Plantation Golf & Country Club

Pawleys Plantation wedding with beautiful flowers, a trolly, and a great sunset on the golf course

I’ve been busy with weddings at Pawleys Plantation Golf and Country Club this May. This beautiful Friday afternoon was my second of five weddings at this location in the past month. We had some near-record heat for May, but it cooled down later in the day, and everyone still had …

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