Beautiful afternoon wedding at Wachesaw Plantation with a horse drawn carriage

I always love going to Wachesaw Plantation for a wedding. The oak trees on the Waccamaw River make an excellent backdrop for pictures, especially at sunset. It’s been a long time since I’ve photographed a wedding with a horse and carriage, and it always makes for some great pictures. I guess riding in on a carriage is the type of thing you have to be at a plantation or garden-style location like Wachesaw for it to work. I got the business card of the carriage company, so I’ll add it to my favorite vendors page. Maybe it will give some brides an idea for their wedding.

The couple wanted to go to the Oak Alley for pictures. I’ve never been to that area in Wachesaw before. It was stunning with the afternoon sunlight, a large house with columns, oak trees, and a carriage in the background for the pictures of the bride and groom. I’ll have to remember to tell couples in the future that riding to this spot on a carriage takes a long time! It took about 30 minutes there and back, so we ended up running about an hour late for the reception, and I still didn’t have as much time as I wanted for the pictures. Every wedding is rushed, so I’ve learned to get many photos quickly.

Even being short on time after the family pictures, I still got some beautiful photos of the couple on the Waccamaw River with the oak trees in the background. If it could have been about 30 min later, the sunset would have been beautiful, but even at this time of the evening, the sun was giving off that pretty yellow glow on the moss in the oak trees. I worked with Elizabeth Hodges, a great wedding planner for this wedding, and DJ Wally B always does a great job. I hope you enjoy the pictures below. Please click like or comment below if you do!

3 thoughts on “Beautiful afternoon wedding at Wachesaw Plantation with a horse drawn carriage”

  1. Your pictures are gorgeous… I am getting married there on9/3/16 and would love to speak to you about pricing /packages :))


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