Groom dipping back bride in front of barn - Wildberry Farm

Springtime country wedding at Wildberry Farm with an outdoor ceremony – Marion, SC

This was my second time photographing a country wedding at Wildberry Farm near Marion, SC. Since this wedding was in late spring, the flowers in the garden were blooming, and the grass and trees were all green. These were things I missed out on at my earlier winter wedding there.  Instead of having the ceremony inside the chapel, they set up the chairs and arbor on the lawn beside the lake. This was a really pretty spot for the ceremony, with a lot of nice shade from the trees. I didn’t even know there was a lake behind the chapel the …

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Bridal portraits at Pawleys Plantation and the Conway River Walk

I don’t typically do as many bridal portraits as other types of photography.  Many people prefer to do engagement pictures with me and do some bridal style pictures at the wedding.  But it’s always a lot of fun when I get to. This is one of the best kinds of photography you can do, a bride all dressed up for a wedding, without the stress and limited time of the wedding itself.  It’s pretty hard to go wrong as long as you have a pretty location to work with. I thought I would post just a few pictures from recent …

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Beautiful spot for a wedding - Holiday cottage walkway at Brookgreen Gardens

Another beautiful wedding at Brookgreen Gardens

I had another wedding at the Holliday Cottage area in Brookgreen Gardens.  This ceremony was at the iron gates at the end of the Live Oak Allee. I always love going there. You just can’t beat the background and lighting that you get with lots of trees and a garden.  The weather had been so nice that several flowers were in bloom. This is always great in the background of a picture.  This wedding was for the bride that I recently did the fun bridal portraits for, you can read about that a couple of blog posts down from here.  …

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