I really enjoyed this recent wedding for Camilio and Natalia at the Grande Dunes Ocean Club in Myrtle Beach. The bride and groom are both originally from the country of Colombia just like my wife. In fact the groom was from the city of Bogota, the same city my wife is from. I spent a month last year staying with my wife’s family in Bogota, I made a recent blog post about my trip here. In fact, if you visit my Photo Booth at a wedding, I have a real Colombian sombrero and poncho you can try on that I purchased while I was there.
One thing you learn in Colombia and of course most Latin America countries, is that everyone loves football (soccer)! I loved some of their soccer decorations such as the unique guestbook. Instead of just a book or picture frame, the guest actually signed Colombia yellow soccer balls. They also had soccer player cutouts for the table seating reservations. The bride and groom had a son and young daughter that were also part of the wedding. The bride’s daughter was at the age that she did not want to be separated from her mom. She wasn’t going to let her mom stand during the ceremony without her! I got a lot of cute pictures of the bride holding her daughter during the ceremony and during the first dance later in the evening. I also took some cute pictures with the bride’s daughter in her wedding dress before the bride put it on.
The sunset behind the Ocean Club this particular evening was beautiful. I always love when the sun starts to drop below the clubhouse, there is such a nice warm color to the light with the blue of the ocean and sky in the background. The bride’s sister was also great and stayed to help me fluff out the bride’s dress during the pictures. She tried to photo bomb one of my pictures and instead fell face first into the sand! I don’t think she will mind me posting the funny picture below with everyone laughing and the groom pointing at me saying “Did you get it!”.
I always love shooting weddings at the Ocean Club, the staff is the best. Thanks to the Catering Director Samantha for helping babysit for some of the pictures like during the cake cutting! DJ Jake is always great to work with as well as makeup artist Amy Creations. I hope you enjoy the pictures below, like or share if you do!
Bride getting her hair and makeup Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Colombia soccer balls used as wedding guestbook – Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Colombian scarves with bride and groom’s names – Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Ocean Club ballroom decorations – Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Table seating numbers Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Soccer players seating cards – Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Father helping groom with his tie Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Ring boxes Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride and bridesmaid dressing hanging in doorway Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride’s dress hanging in the window Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride’s daughter sitting in her dress Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Groomsmen with groom and his son before the ceremony Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bridesmaids looking out over the ocean Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Groom having out before the ceremony Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride and bridesmaids opening the wine bottle Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Popping the cork Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride getting help with her dress Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bridesmaids fluffing bride’s dress before the wedding Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Mother helping bride with her veil Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride’s daughter sitting on her dress before the wedding Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride standing in doorway Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride and daughter in the window light Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride talking to daughter sitting in the window light Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride looking out the window before the ceremony Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride smiling in the window light Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride and daughter before the ceremony Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bridesmaids talking before the wedding Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Groom walking down the isle Grande Dunes Ocean Club
I don’t get to see myself very often! Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Flowergirl and brother walking down the isle Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride and father first look at groom Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride and father walking down the isle Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Panorama of wedding ceremony on the veranda Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride looking at groom holding daughter during the ceremony Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Tearful groom during vows Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Benji holding the rings on his bible Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Exchanging of the rings Grande Dunes Ocean Club
First kiss with bride holding daughter Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Happy couple after the ceremony Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride and son on the balcony Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Son shaking father’s hand after the wedding Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Wedding party on the balcony Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride and groom kissing with wedding party cheering Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bridesmaids having fun by the from columns Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bridal party by the fountains Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride standing by the columns Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride leaning against the columns Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Closeup of bride leaning against the columns Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride and groom standing in front of the doorway Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Touching noses in front of the doorway Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Kiss by the columns Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Groom pulling bride in for a kiss Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Groomsmen with Colombia color scarves Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bridal party by the fountains Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride and bridesmaids walking down the steps Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Family having fun in front of the ocean Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Family walking down the beach Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride and groom from Colombia by the ocean with a pretty sunset – Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Kiss in front of the ocean Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Another kiss Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Dipping back bride for a kiss Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Big dip in front of the ocean Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride and sister holding flower in the air Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Groom lifting bride up for a kiss Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride and groom walking towards the ocean holding hands Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride with her head on groom’s shoulder Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Kiss facing the ocean Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Did you get it? Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride and groom walking from the ocean Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Couple in front of the ocean club at sunset Grande Dunes Ocean Club
In in front of the ocean club Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride looking in the grooms eyes laying on the beach Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Kiss sitting by the dunes Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride and groom with the dunes and club in the background Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride laying her head on the groom’s shoulder Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Kiss before leaving the beach Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Final pictures on the beach walkway Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride and groom holding Colombian color scarf with their names Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Couple on the hill Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride and groom introductions Grande Dunes Ocean Club
First dance with daughter getting involved Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Picking up daughter in the first dance Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bride dancing with he father Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Lots of fun on the dance floor Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Lots of fun on the dance floor Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Lots of fun on the dance floor Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Lots of fun on the dance floor Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Lots of fun on the dance floor Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Lots of fun on the dance floor Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Groom about to get the garter Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Guys trying to catch the garter Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Guys getting a little drunk Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Bouquet toss Grande Dunes Ocean Club
Girls catching the bouquet Grande Dunes Ocean Club