Engagement pictures at the Georgetown Harbor Walk and new Retina display support for pictures

This is my second blog post to fully support the iPad with a Retina display. Sadly, the images for all my older posts are not high enough resolution to support a high dpi display like the Retina iPad without uploading everything again. Most people that use the 3rd or 4th generation iPad probably don’t understand how it supports image viewing on the web. They know that sometimes pictures look fantastic on it.  Very few websites fully support it.  What happens now on my blog is if it detects a retina display, it will serve up a double-resolution image.  For example, …

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Engagement pictures by the oak trees and pier and responsive design website updates

January and February are always my really slow time of the year. In some ways, it is good because I can do some things I don’t have as much time for the rest of the year. I really make an effort to follow up with previous clients that haven’t placed picture orders yet. I also try to get up with wedding clients that haven’t given me their album selections yet so I can get the layouts and orders done. I also have more time to work on my website. I’m constantly optimizing the code, one big change I made this year …

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Sunset engagement pictures at the historic waterfront in Georgetown, SC

This was the first time I’ve done any engagement portraits at the historic waterfront area of Georgetown. I think it’s just the distance and the fact that most people are more interested in the beach that I haven’t made it over that way. I do so much at the beach. I always like it when I get to do something different. The historic Georgetown waterfront area will give you a similar look to doing engagement pictures at the Conway River Walk. You still have a lot of trees, historic-looking shops, and a boardwalk on the water. The main thing you …

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Fall engagement portraits at the Myrtle Beach State Park

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about engagement pictures. When I’m doing engagement pictures for an upcoming wedding, I try to keep them in my slower times of the year if possible. When it cools down a bit is usually a great time anyway, the color in the ocean and sky seems better once things cool off. This is a fun couple whose wedding is coming up in April at the Grande Dunes. I like it so much better when I already know a couple well at the wedding, and they already have a good idea of what they …

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Nice evening for engagement portraits at the Myrtle Beach State Park

I’ve been doing a lot of family pictures recently. It was nice to have some engagement portraits instead. This was a fun couple that seemed to be having a good time.  From what I remember, it was a really windy evening, but this couple made it pretty easy.  I only had to worry about the hair in one direction :)  It’s been windy almost every evening recently, but it’s not a big deal as long as you turn people into the wind, so the hair is blowing back.  The only time it really gets bad is if the wind is …

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Engagement portraits at Magnolia Plantation in Charleston, SC

This is my first time visiting the Magnolia Plantation.  It’s a very nice area. It reminds me a lot of Brookgreen Gardens.  Unlike Brookgreen, we were allowed to go wherever we wanted to do the pictures and spend as much time as well.  I had a lot of fun walking around for an hour or so with the couple and finding places to do shots.  The first time to an area takes a bit of experimenting and exploring around. We had some pretty strong early afternoon sunlight which can be difficult at the beach or in an open area, but …

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