Sunset ceremony at the Litchfield Country Club – New Storyboard Layout

The wedding I’m featuring this week was from the Litchfield Country Club in Pawleys Island. It’s actually been a couple of years since I have done a wedding at this location. I was a little worried about the pictures because they wanted to do a first look and then do all the family and couples pictures before the ceremony. This means we had to start the pictures around 2 pm when the sun was still very much overhead in the sky. If this would have been at an open sky location like the beach, not only will everyone be squinting, but it’s almost impossible to avoid harsh shadows and raccoon eyes.

Thankfully, at a location with lots of large trees, you can usually find plenty of shade to do family pictures. I still have to be careful to make sure the shade pictures look good, but that will have to be for another post. Actually, you can get a pretty cool look, like you see in some of the pictures below, if you have the subject in the shade but the sun hitting foliage in the background. For the ceremony itself, it was at the ideal time of day. It was beautiful, with the sunset going down behind the trees during the ceremony. You really can’t get better light than that.

You might notice I’ve made a couple of changes to the blog.  The blog is now super wide, however, if you are viewing on a narrower browser window or smaller device, it will just scale to whatever you have. I’m trying out a new storyboard layout for pictures. I got a Photoshop plugin called Storyboard that makes it easy to put together all the pictures automatically. Let me know if you like the pictures and the new layout!

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