Looking into each others eyes - Caledonia Golf and Fish Club

Spring engagement pictures Caledonia Golf & Fish Club

Caledonia Golf & Fish Club is one of my favorite locations for weddings, senior portraits, maternity portraits, and engagement pictures in the Myrtle Beach area. I even occasionally take family pictures there if they prefer not to be on the beach. All year they have the beautiful centuries-old moss-covered oaks along the Waccamaw River that make a fantastic background for pictures. With the warm weather the past few weeks, there was an extra blast of color with all the Spring flowers in bloom. This couple was so happy and had a lot of fun with the pictures. When doing engagement …

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Engagement pictures by the oak trees and pier and responsive design website updates

January and February are always my really slow time of the year. In some ways, it is good because I can do some things I don’t have as much time for the rest of the year. I really make an effort to follow up with previous clients that haven’t placed picture orders yet. I also try to get up with wedding clients that haven’t given me their album selections yet so I can get the layouts and orders done. I also have more time to work on my website. I’m constantly optimizing the code, one big change I made this year …

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Fall engagement portraits at the Myrtle Beach State Park

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about engagement pictures. When I’m doing engagement pictures for an upcoming wedding, I try to keep them in my slower times of the year if possible. When it cools down a bit is usually a great time anyway, the color in the ocean and sky seems better once things cool off. This is a fun couple whose wedding is coming up in April at the Grande Dunes. I like it so much better when I already know a couple well at the wedding, and they already have a good idea of what they …

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