Looking into each others eyes - Caledonia Golf and Fish Club

Spring engagement pictures Caledonia Golf & Fish Club

Caledonia Golf & Fish Club is one of my favorite locations for weddings, senior portraits, maternity portraits, and engagement pictures in the Myrtle Beach area. I even occasionally take family pictures there if they prefer not to be on the beach. All year they have the beautiful centuries-old moss-covered oaks …

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Throwing petals after the ceremony - Pawleys Island Beach House

Wedding at Pawleys Plantation with a ceremony on the beach in Pawleys Island

This time of the year, I love to look back at some beautiful weddings I didn’t have time to post on my blog. Elizabeth and Tyler were married last summer on May 29th. Their wedding was a little unusual for Pawleys Plantation. Instead of having the ceremony on the golf …

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Touching noses - Oak Allee - Night of a Thousand Candles - Brookgreen Gardens

Brookgreen Gardens wedding on the Night of a Thousand Candles

I always love photographing weddings at Brookgreen Gardens. However, I’ve never had the opportunity to shoot a wedding during the Night of a Thousand Candles. During these special evenings in December, thousands of lights hang from the trees, and hand-lit candles light the paths and pools around the gardens. It’s …

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