Wedding for a pro bodybuilder and NFL player at the Grande Dunes Members Club

I was recently working on an example photo album for Vasilika, the catering manager at the Grande Dunes Members Club. Be sure to check the album out if visiting the Members Club to book a wedding. When looking for pictures I came across this wedding from a few years back. I miss posting pictures to my blog from many past weddings because I get so busy. This was a fun and unique wedding so I thought it deserved it’s own post!

The bride was a retired professional bodybuilder and the groom was a retired NFL Player so they were a big, muscular combination of a bride and groom. The bride even gave me some bodybuilder poses in her wedding dress. This was a second wedding for both the bride and groom. They didn’t want a traditional wedding where they couldn’t see each other before the ceremony. I met them at their home on the golf course in the Grande Dunes where they we getting ready with their teenage/adult children. We starting out just doing some family pictures at their home then went over to the Members Club where the guests were arriving for the cocktail hour.

After associating with their guest for a while, I took the bride and groom out for some family pictures with their children and for sunset pictures of the two of them. It’s always so pretty at sunset on the golf course behind the Members Club. The wedding ceremony itself was officiated by the groom’s daughter. It was held later in the evening, inside the ballroom. It was very quick and just to make everything official so the party could begin. After the ceremony we had dinner, cake cutting, toast and lots of dancing. I hope you enjoy this quick post from one of my past weddings. If you are having a wedding at the Grande Dunes Members Club let me know!

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